I was absolutely honoured to be asked to design a tattoo for one of my lovely customers, Paige!
Paige is a long-term customer and supporter of Cakes with Faces, both online, on Twitter etc, and at comic con, so it’s awesome to be asked me to design her a tattoo.
This week she had it done and it was so exciting to see a photo:
Custom Tattoo
I think it’s great when tattoos are personal – they should be something special to you, and Paige asked for a cat playing in cherry blossoms, wearing her fav bright pink DMs. I think this must be the only tattoo with this exact combination!
I did a few designs, with different colourways, and Paige picked her favourite combinations for the final artwork. It’s amazing to see it done – the colours are so vibrant and it matches her colourful hair so well!
Here’s my rough sketches, trying out a few different poses and styles, and checking the shape of Doc Martens:
Cakes with Faces Tattoos
This is the second Cakes with Faces tattoo! The first was designed for Amy, another awesome supporter of CWF – a cute alpaca and bunny design:
Temporary Tattoos
If a permanent tattoo’s too much commitment, you can get some of my designs as temporary tattoos! It was so much fun designing these Cattoos and Battoos – cute designs based on classic tattoo flash: