Hamsters in Teacups

Recently I’ve been drawing hamsters – because they’re the cutest!

Now that the shows are over I have a bit more time for drawing – partly working on new designs and partly just drawing for fun! Lots of people think I spend all day drawing (if only!), but running Cakes with Faces involves so much that designing is actually the smallest part – but also the most fun, and the reason why I started it all.

So here’s a cute drawing I’ve just finished: Hamsters in Teacups! Theory of cuteness: add teacups = more cuteness!

Hamsters in teacups

I really love hamsters – they’re the cutest of all the animals (I know that’s a controversial statement when so many of you love cats so much!) that I don’t know why I haven’t drawn them much before! I’ve been sketching them a lot lately – and you can see some of my rough drawings below (they’re always really rough and scribbly!). I’m also working on a t-shirt design featuring hamsters, for later this year – it’s almost there but needs a bit more work!

Cute hamster sketch

Kawaii hamster

And of course, here’s my own hamster Yuki enjoying a carrot – so cute! <3

Remember to follow Cakes with Faces on FacebookTwitter or Instagram to catch my artwork (and a few pics of Yuki every now and then!) – and to see my hamster design once it’s ready!