So this weekend I finally did some drawing for fun again – it’s been a while as I’ve been so busy with the new t-shirt design and sorting out stuff for Hyper Japan (panic buying stickers, new t-shirt tags, trying to find non-extortionate parking in London – turns out that’s not possible).
I’d been meaning to do some comic strips – got a few ideas scribbled down but decided to start with this one: a horror story about a toastie. Hope you like it! You’ll see from my other comic book stories on the gallery page that I like drawing stories without dialogue – a bit like the silent Pixar shorts (love them!).
On the right is the VERY rough scribble I did when I thought of the idea. I took a super-rough photo of it with my phone to scan it in, and used that as a guide to work over in Illustrator.
Follow @cakeswithfaces on Twitter or Facebook for instant notification of new drawings and to find out about stuff first – I promise never to post boring updates about what I had for dinner (unless it’s sushi).