Exciting news: I’m running a Kickstarter! I’ve written a Japan travel guide book, and the Kickstarter’s to get it printed.
UPDATE: The Kickstarter’s now 100% funded – in less than 24 hours! Thank you so much for your support! This means that if you pledge now, you’ll definitely be getting a copy. It’s running until 2nd April 2020:
Japan Travel Guide Book
This is a project I’ve been working on for over a year. I wanted to make a travel guide that’s genuinely useful. It includes all the things people ask me in messages and the comments on YouTube, as well as tips from my experience of 10 years of planning my own trips to Japan.
The book has 300 pages of useful information:
- Practical advice – on how to get around, types of food, what to expect and how to survive in Japan.
- Trip planner – right from the start, there’s help with booking your flights, where to stay and checklists so you don’t forget anything.
- Ideas for things to do & hidden spots – build your perfect trip with things that interest you, as well as how to book popular attractions like Studio Ghibli tickets.
- Travel journal – for recording your memories and all the little things you might otherwise forget.
- Backed up by videos – watch videos of places featured in the book on YouTube, where you can always contact me in the comments.
All the details are in my video, and there are more previews of the pages on Kickstarter:
How does Kickstarter work?
Kickstarter’s a crowd-funding site. Someone posts a project or product they’re planning to make, and other people pledge to make it happen. If the project reaches it’s funding goal, it can then be made. Your money’s only taken if the project is funded.
So you’re helping to get my book printed. Now that we’ve reached the goal, it’ll be going into production, and everyone who’d pledged will get a copy. Depending on how much you pledge, you’ll also get special edition items as Kickstarter rewards. The Kickstarter’s running until 2nd April 2020.
Kickstarter Rewards
I’ve designed some special edition items as Kickstarter rewards. Depending how much you pledge, you can get the special items as well as the book:

100% Funded
The Kickstarter reached 100% funding in less than 24 hours. I’m absolutely blown away by your support! And I’m so happy you’re as excited about the book as I am.
More importantly, what this means is that if you’ve pledged, you’ll definitely be getting a copy of the book. And the Kickstarter’s running until Thursday 2nd April 2020 if you want to get on board!