The fourth episode in our Japan video series: All the Best Stuff is from Japan.
In this video:
Sushi Dating
Japanese sushi dating sim game Love Sushi Rangers, in which the men are sushi ingredients – whaaaat? It’s free to download on iOS and Android, in English (credits required if you want to play more than 2-3 minutes a day).
Cutest Hiragana
Have you ever thought of Japanese writing as cute? A news site in Japan conducted a poll to find out which are the cutest hiragana of them all.
The Story of Instant Noodles
When I was researching this story, it started off as an item about instant noodles in space, developed to be eaten on the space station. But the story of how (and why) instant noodles were invented, by Momofuku Ando, is much more interesting. Believe it or not, it’s actually a really inspiring story.
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There are lots more videos on the way, including more about Japan, art and design, how we make our t-shirts and a look behind the scenes at Cakes with Faces. We’ll also be filming at Hyper Japan at London Olympia on 14-16 November.
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